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The four elements of a successful career development plan

As mentioned in the last post, one of the things you should be looking for in your BPO partner is their employee career development and tenure, so let’s explore this point a bit further.
Why is it important for your BPO partner to have a well-structured career development plan for its employees?
First, according to the Gallup "State of... — and… Read More

posted by ELVIN TINEO

12 + 1 things companies should look for in an outsourcing partner  

1.   Competitive pricing
As cited in our last article, now that it’s clear that cost reduction is considered as one, if not the most important motive to outsource. A relevant initiative to execute upon deciding to outsource is to proceed with the due diligence and research to find the ideal business outsourcing partner that’s able to deliver an... — and… Read More

posted by ELVIN TINEO

Top 7 Reasons to Outsource

According to experts, labor costs account for over 50% of the overall operational expenses in service companies. Driven by today's economy, said costs follow a constant upward trend, hindering your company’s capacity to stay within projected budgets and increase or even keep current net financial margins. 
Smart outsourcing decisions can put small to big companies ahead of the competition... — and… Read More

posted by ELVIN TINEO